[Free Download] Uena – Restaurant Food Admin Dashboard Template (Nulled) [Latest Version]

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You will get

  • HTML Files
  • jQuery and JavaScript files
  • CSS And Sass files
  • Proper Documentation


  • “Poppins”,sans-serif


Send your queries on https://w3itexperts.ticksy.com for any issues or problem you are facing regarding this product.


Note : Images used in the demo are not provided in download package.


  • Amcharts https://www.amcharts.com
  • Animate https://animate.style
  • Aos https://michalsnik.github.io/aos
  • Apexchart https://apexcharts.com
  • Bootstrap https://getbootstrap.com
  • Bootstrap4 Notify http://bootstrap-notify.remabledesigns.com
  • Bootstrap Daterangepicker https://www.daterangepicker.com
  • Bootstrap Material Datetimepicker https://t00rk.github.io/bootstrap-material-datetimepicker
  • Bootstrap Multiselect https://github.com/davidstutz/bootstrap-multiselect
  • Bootstrap Select https://developer.snapappointments.com/bootstrap-select
  • Bootstrap Tagsinput https://bootstrap-tagsinput.github.io/bootstrap-tagsinput/examples
  • Bootstrap-touchspin https://www.virtuosoft.eu/code/bootstrap-touchspin
  • Bootstrap v4 RTL https://bootstrap.rtlcss.com
  • Chart.js https://www.chartjs.org
  • Chartist https://gionkunz.github.io/chartist-js
  • Chartist Plugin Tooltips https://github.com/tmmdata/chartist-plugin-tooltip
  • Clockpicker https://weareoutman.github.io/clockpicker
  • Datatables https://datatables.net
  • Dropzone https://www.dropzonejs.com
  • Flot https://www.flotcharts.org
  • Flot Spline https://github.com/miloszfalinski/jquery.flot.spline
  • Fullcalendar https://fullcalendar.io
  • Highlightjs https://highlightjs.org
  • jQuery https://jquery.com
  • jQuery AsColor https://github.com/thecreation/jquery-asColor
  • jQuery AsColorPicker https://github.com/thecreation/jquery-asColorPicker
  • jQuery AsGradient https://www.npmtrends.com/jquery-asGradient
  • jQuery Sparkline https://plugins.jquery.com/sparkline
  • jQuery Steps http://www.jquery-steps.com
  • Jqueryui https://jqueryui.com
  • jQuery-validation https://jqueryvalidation.org
  • Jqvmap https://github.com/10bestdesign/jqvmap
  • Metismenu https://github.com/onokumus/metismenu
  • Moment https://momentjs.com
  • Morris https://morrisjs.github.io/morris.js
  • Nestable2 https://ramonsmit.github.io/Nestable2
  • Nouislider https://refreshless.com/nouislider
  • Peity http://benpickles.github.io/peity
  • Perfect Scrollbar https://plugins.jquery.com/perfect-scrollbar
  • Pickadate https://amsul.ca/pickadate.js
  • Raphael https://github.com/DmitryBaranovskiy/raphael
  • Select https://select2.org
  • Summernote https://summernote.org
  • Svganimation https://github.com/maxwellito/vivus
  • Sweetalert https://sweetalert2.github.io
  • Toastr https://github.com/CodeSeven/toastr
  • Wnumb https://refreshless.com/wnumb

Change Log

05 March 2021

* New - Created & Upload Uena

High Resolution: Yes, Compatible Browsers: IE11, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome, Edge, Compatible With: Bootstrap 4.x, Columns: 4+

Easy to Customize + SCSS + Bootstrap, Lightweight and W3C Validated Code, Minimal, Simple Light Dark Admin & Dashboard

Kindly Note: We update new contents like WordPress Themes, Plugins, PHP Scripts everyday. But remember that you should never use this items in a commercial website. All the contents posted here for development & testing purpose only. We’re not responsible for any damage, use at your own RISK! We highly recommend to buy Uena – Restaurant Food Admin Dashboard Template from the Original Developer (DexignZone) website. Thank you.

Demo – Uena – Restaurant Food Admin Dashboard Template

Download – Uena – Restaurant Food Admin Dashboard Template (Nulled).zip